Article archive

17/05/2013 10:01

Willie completes UD

Willie completes his UD obedience title at the Greater Collin Kennel Club trial on 4/19/2013.
17/05/2013 10:00

Willie wins again!

On 10/19/12 Willie wins his second Open All-Age placement for the fall season.  He was awarded 2nd place out of 30 to qualify for the 2012 ABC National Open All-Age Championship.
05/09/2011 19:00

Willie Top Dog!

On 7/23/11 Willie was awarded both the top field trial dog and the top obedience dog of the year by the Texas Coastal Brittany Club at their Summer Awards Meeting and Social.
02/04/2011 00:29

Willie won Open All-Age stake

Willie won the Open All-Age stake at the Indian Nations Brittany Club trial at Ardmore, Oklahoma over an entry of 22.  The temperature was in the lower 80s when he ran.
07/11/2010 00:00

Willie wins back to back Open All-Age stakes

Willie won the Open All-Age stake at the Texas Coastal Brittany Club trial at Wortham,Texas over an entry of 14.  This was back to back wins for him in the Open All-Age stakes.
31/10/2010 13:50

FC Lafayette Kinmont Willie CDX

 Great news about Willie!  He won the Open All-Age out of 34 Brittanys at the Sooner Brittany Club trial near Ardmore.  Extremely impressive since many of the top dogs in the country were there.  He needed 3 points to finish and this one was 5 points.  That is as many as he...
23/10/2010 13:48

Willie wins another 2nd place!

Willie got 2nd out of 18 in the Open Gun Dog.    That is his 3rd 2nd place any one of which would have finished him.  He also got 3rd out of 13 in the Open All-Age.  That is two thirty minute runs in one day.  The second stake was in really oppressive heat that...
06/08/2010 22:11

Willie: Top Dog!

On 7/24/10 Willie was awarded both the top field trial dog and the top obedience dog of the year by the Texas Coastal Brittany Club at their Summer Awards Meeting and Social.
29/07/2010 22:18

New Pics of Willie

    Check out the new pictures of Willie at th Houston show!  Willie's Photo Gallery
05/07/2010 22:38

Willie has his CDX!

Willie finishes his CDX obedience title during two weekends in Arkansas and Louisiana. He finished with 4 CDX legs just like for his CD.

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Bobby and Sue Armstrong

The Brittany is a medium-sized, leggy, dual-purpose dog, equally suited for sport and companionship. According to AKCĀ® Registration Statistics, it has surged in popularity in the last 50 years due to its talents as both a hunting and show dog. Originally called the Brittany Spaniel, it is now referred to simply as the Brittany, as its hunting style more closely resembles that of pointing breeds. Its dense, flat or wavy coat can be orange and white or liver and white in either clear or roan patterns.